Strengths and particularities of our black ROLL GRIP for the repair of cracks in asphalt
The asphalt of the roads is used by millions of cars, which causes their wear and the formation of cracks. The repair of cracks in asphalt is important to extend the useful life of the asphalt and, consequently, to protect the mechanics of the vehicles circulating through it.
Not only is the quality of the materials used for the repair of the asphalt fundamental, but also the speed at which they are carried out. Potholes and imperfections of the asphalt must be repaired quickly and easily in order to hinder circulation for the shortest possible time.
In TS2 Ibérica our goal is to provide you with the products that allow this repair of cracks in asphalt, as well as potholes and imperfections quickly and easily with the aim of freeing road traffic for its fluid circulation. That is why we want to discover the polymer resin ROLL GRIP as an effective solution in sealing and repairing cracks in the asphalt and when it comes to quickly composing all types of roads.

What are potholes and griets and why should they be repaired quickly?
Asphalt is a material made of brownish-black liquid petroleum that hardens when cooled. Over time, it can wear out and that’s when imperfections like potholes or cracks appear that need to be repaired as quickly as possible.
Potholes are faults located on the surface of the pavement. It is a portion of the asphalt that has been removed from the original construction. They are generally generated by fatigue due to heavy traffic, humidity due to rain, surface shelling or excess vehicular traffic.
There are different types of potholes or cracks and they can be classified as low severity, medium severity or high severity depending on the depth with which they have hit the asphalt.

Cracks can be
The advantage of using ROLL GRIP for asphalt crack repair
In TS2 Ibérica we have the necessary material for the repair of burned pavement, peelings, potholes or cracks through our acrylic polymer resin ROLL GRIP.

This liquid road sign material can be applied to a solvent-free roller, in the curing process of which a peroxide initiator is involved. It is available in several colors, including black as a standard version that emulates the asphalt to be repaired. Its good thixotropic behavior prevents its fluidization or spillage once extended. Due to its excellent non-slip properties and great durability, it is recommended for permanent coatings.
In order to repair peels or potholes, pure acrylic polymer resin has an aggregate already mixed for the recomposition of burned asphalt. It is a bag of 200 grams of peroxide in each of the 60 cans included in the packaging, which serves for an asphalt mixture of permanent quality in cold to be used at room temperature. Just by applying it on the surface between 15 and 40 minutes it can be painted if necessary, and open to traffic.
All about ROLL GRIP
ROLL GRIP is a thick aggregate to be able to offer a non-slip finish to repaired surfaces above 65 SRT. This product should be mixed with Perkadox peroxide reagent for easy application. It does not need any heating or mixing and can be applied at any time of the year. Nor does it require any treatment in its application to use in a short time, generating a high resistance to slippage with its thickness of up to 4 millimeters.
It is a non-polluting product free of toxic heavy metals and aromatic hydrocarbons. You can store this repair material for a full 12 months in the original container tightly closed, in a dry and well-ventilated place.
How to repair potholes and cracks in asphalt with ROLL GRIP?

For the repair of cracks in asphalt with ROLL GRIP, wide adhesive tape should be used to delimit the areas that must be painted. Then, we proceed to remove the paint until it is homogeneous. Next, incorporate the peroxide initiator directly into the cube. When the peroxide is added, the curing process starts immediately and the ROLL GRIP resin is placed in large quantities on the surface and spread with a long hair roller to increase the non-slip properties in humid conditions. It is important to create a uniform texture to achieve better adhesion. Once finished, the tapes are removed.
When making the mixture should be placed on the asphalt for 10 or 15 minutes, depending on the ambient temperature. With a long hair roller we will be able to easily form layers of 2-3 mm that will cause a resistant texture. Once applied, it can be painted and opened to traffic in a period of time between 20 and 40 minutes.
Repair of cracks in asphalt with T2S Ibérica products
The most effective products for the repair of cracks in asphalt can be found in the T2S Ibérica catalogue. The use of our products guarantees a permanent repair of the asphalt through a high quality in its cold application.
You can contact us using the form on our website, by calling +34 93 848 05 68 or by writing an email to [email protected]. It will be a pleasure to assist you.