Asphalt repair

Asphalt repair

Any asphalt pothole repair material is just one click away

There are approximately 30 million vehicles in the country, which means that the asphalt of roads and airport runways is subjected to increasing loads and traffic, which is damaging the condition of the roads. At the same time, the repair of potholes and imperfections in the asphalt must be carried out quickly and easily to cause the least possible damage to road traffic.

A road in poor condition has several negative consequences: it makes access between territories more difficult, increases vehicle fuel consumption by up to 34% and therefore CO₂ emissions, and reduces vehicle life by approximately 25%, as the car suffers more to counteract the effects of poor asphalt. In addition, poor road conditions directly affect road safety and lead to an increase in accidents.

When we talk about asphalt irregularities and repairs, we are not only talking about the potholes themselves, we are also talking about worn paintwork, signs that cannot be seen properly… Correct asphalt maintenance can extend the useful life of roads by an average of 20 to 30 years.

In T2S Ibérica you will find everything you need for a correct asphalt maintenance.

Our catalogue of asphalt pothole repair materials

On our website you will find everything you need to repair asphalt potholes, whatever type they are.

Potholes and peeling: We have different materials to solve cracks and small holes.

Anti-Skid is an anti-skid crushed glass aggregate to increase the anti-skid rating of ChipFill. 

Chipfill is a thermoplastic that is designed for the repair of potholes and small holes in the asphalt with a diameter of 15-20 cm. By applying it to the specified dimensions, the risk of the defects increasing is minimized. The repair time is 20 minutes until the road can be reopened to traffic. The surface to be repaired must be clean and dry before applying heat up to 200 degrees.

Cracks and fissures: We offer you a repair material with which you will only need a maximum of 40 minutes to solve possible cracks or fissures in the asphalt.

Rollplast is a pure acrylic polymer resin with already mixed aggregate, ideal for the repair of cracks and cracks, but also, if necessary, for peeling and potholes. It maintains an anti-slip rating above 65 SRT. It has to be applied within 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the ambient temperature, and after 20 to 40 minutes it can be painted and traffic can be resumed. 

Burnt surfaces and levelling of millings: Easily and quickly repair any asphalt surface that has been burnt.

Rollgrip, a polymeric resin, is suitable for the repair of burnt asphalt. It can be applied to the surface in a maximum of 15 minutes, and in a maximum of 40 minutes, it can be painted if necessary, and opened to traffic. It is available in a variety of colours.

 Lines and road markings: We have various products available to mark road markings correctly.

Ribline is a pre-formed thermoplastic sound guide with embedded glass spheres, which complements the Vizbility road marking. This marking causes a vibration at the steering wheel, which serves as a warning signal to drivers of possible dangers such as entering the oncoming lane, lane boundary markings, etc.

Vizbility are pre-marked, highly resistant lines. It is a thermoplastic road marking with embedded glass microspheres evenly spread over the surface. The microspheres make the life of this marking 6 to 8 times longer than other road marking paints. It is available in three different sizes: 100 mm x 1,000 mm, 150 mm x 1,000 mm and 200 mm x 1,000 mm.

For the application of all these materials in T2S Ibérica we have a gas burner, in this way we will achieve the desired application temperatures.

For more information on asphalt pothole repair materials, please contact us

If you need more details of characteristics, prices, or any other information about pothole repair materials that may be useful to you, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

T2S Ibérica is your specialist in road repair and safety. Our team of experts will advise you as to which material or product is best suited to your needs.

What are the negative consequences of bumpy asphalt?2024-04-04T16:54:25+02:00

The negative consequences of bumpy asphalt go far beyond road safety issues, although these are of enormous importance. In addition to its direct effects on the increase in accident cases, a road in poor condition reports several additional drawbacks that are indirectly linked. 

Some of them are:

  • Difficulty of access between territories
  • Increased vehicle fuel consumption by up to 34% and therefore increased CO₂ emissions
  • Reduced vehicle life by approximately 25%, as the car suffers more to counteract the effects of poor asphalt

It is also convenient to clarify that, when referring to irregularities and repairs of the asphalt, in addition to talking about potholes, worn paint and signs that are not seen correctly, among others, are also included. Therefore, it is important to bear in mind that proper asphalt maintenance can extend the useful life of roads between 20 and 30 years on average.

How long does it take to repair a pothole?2024-04-04T16:54:43+02:00

The time required for the repair of a pothole depends on the material used and the ambient temperature. Considering the difficulties at the level of vehicular circulation involved in fixing a road, at T2S Ibérica we design materials with the aim of minimizing as much as possible the time required to resume traffic.

The ChipFill has an estimated repair time of 20 minutes, from start to open traffic. In this way, it is a material that allows repairs to be carried out quickly and minimizes the period of traffic interruption as much as possible.

Rollplast acrylic polymer resin is also widely chosen for its agile application, which lasts between 10 and 15 minutes. Its subsequent drying takes between 20 and 40 minutes, depending on the temperature of the environment. Between application and drying, it can take a minimum time of half an hour, and a maximum of 55 minutes.

How do you fix potholes?2024-04-04T16:55:39+02:00

The  repair of the asphalt and the repair of potholes is a task that must be done with the indicated materials and with some regularity in all traffic routes, although the frequency usually depends on certain issues, such as the particularities of the climate of the area, the volume of circulation and the type of vehicles that travel them.

There is a wide range of materials that can be used when fixing potholes. For example, there are thermoplastic solutions that allow cracks and small holes to be repaired in just 20 minutes. 

Another of the most chosen materials when fixing potholes is pure acrylic polymer resin with already mixed aggregate that, in addition to potholes, can repair fissures, cracks, and peelings. The application can be done in 10 to 15 minutes and after 20 to 40 minutes the circulation can be reopened.

What is needed to perform road asphalt maintenance?2024-04-04T16:54:14+02:00

In T2S Ibérica we have a complete catalogue of products specially designed to maintain and repair the asphalt of the roads. In this way, we offer materials to repair potholes, peelings and cracks, others for burned surfaces and milling levelling and others to correctly mark road lines.

To repair potholes and peelings we have the ChipFill thermoplastic, which is designed to repair potholes and small holes in the asphalt in just 20 minutes. As a complement to this product, we have the Anti-Skid, which is a non-slip crushed glass aggregate that allows to increase the anti-slip index.

If what needs to be repaired are cracks and fissures, in T2S Ibérica we have Rollplast, a pure acrylic polymer resin with aggregate already mixed, which also serves for peelings and potholes. The entire process of fixing with this material takes less than an hour.

For the repair of burned surfaces and levelling of milling, we have a polymer resin indicated especially for the repair of burned asphalt, called Rollgrip. In 15 minutes it is applied on the surface, and in a maximum of 40 minutes it can be painted if necessary, and opened to traffic. It is available in different colours.

Can a pothole located right at a road marking be repaired?2024-04-04T16:54:35+02:00

In case of requiring the repair of potholes that are located near the road mark, in T2S Ibérica we have developed two different products that allow reviewing or repairing road lines and markings, with the aim of leaving them as new:

  • The RibLine is a preformed thermoplastic sound guide with embedded glass spheres.
  •  The Vizbility is a safety supplement that causes a vibration at the wheel that works as an effective alarm that warns drivers about possible involuntary lane changes.
What does T2S offer you to repair potholes?2024-04-04T16:55:25+02:00

T2S Ibérica has a wide range of materials for asphalt repair. In our catalogue you will find all kinds of solutions to repair asphalt potholes, regardless of the type they are.

Some of the most popular products that you can find in the catalogue of our website are:

  • ChipFill: it is a thermoplastic that is specially created for the repair of potholes and small holes in the asphalt that do not exceed 15-20 cm in diameter. Its function is to fill the holes and prevent them from continuing to grow. One of its great advantages are that its repair time is just 20 minutes, until it can be opened again to traffic. 
  • AntiSkid: it is a non-slip crushed glass aggregate that serves as a complement to the ChipFill, to increase its anti-slip index.
  • Rollplast: This pure acrylic polymer resin with already mixed aggregate, not only serves to repair potholes and peelings, but is also perfect for filling fissures and cracks. It stands out for its anti-slip index, which is above 65 SRT. It is also well-chosen for the speed of its application (between 10 and 15 minutes), and for the speed of drying (between 20 and 40 minutes, depending on the temperature), before painting and resuming traffic.

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