ORALITE® retroreflective films series 6710 Engineer Prismatic Grade are flexible, weatherproof, self-adhesive films with excellent corrosion and solvent resistance. The product was specifically developed for the manufacture of traffic control, guidance, warning and information signs, which are intended for long term vertical outdoor use..

ORALITE® 6710 exceeds the minimum performance requirements of DIN EN 12899-1 (class R1, design C).


Dimensions:50 m spools
Width:185 mm, 610 mm, 760 mm, 920 mm and 1235 mm
Durability:7 years
References:ORALITE 6710

Average rating: 3.6/5 based on 10 Google My Business reviews.


  • High brightness
  • High degree of weather resistance
  • 7 year outdoor durability
  • Surface of UV stabilised acrylic
  • Compliance to EN 12899-1 (R1), DIN 67520 (RA1) and ASTM D4956-11a (Type I and II)
  • Class RA1, design C
  • Excellent printability
  • Screen printing with ORALITE® 5018
  • UV digital printing with ORALITE® Traffic Sign Printer, with ORALITE® 5019i Digital Printing Ink and ORALITE® 5062 Transparent Film
  • Lettering film: We recommend ORALITE® 5071
  • Standard widths, mm: 1235, 920, 760, 610, 185 
  • Standard lengths, m: 50

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CE marked